Health & Safety

Statement of Policy

The Director’s of Pinefield Glass Limited will operate within the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974; continue to pursue safety at work.

By doing so, the Company will maintain the highest standards for the health and safety of all its employees and will conduct all activities with the appropriate safeguards in place to minimise the exposure of the general public of the risk to their health and safety.

To meet this criteria, the Company provides safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all its employees and provides sufficient information, training and supervision for this purpose.

The Company accepts its obligations to continually strive to reduce the number of incidents, accidents and occurrences which may affect the health and safety of employees and other people who may be affected by the activities of the company.

The Company requires all employees to co-operate and work with them to promote safe working and will take all possible steps to achieve this. Compliance with current Legislation is regarded by the Company to be the minimum standard for health and safety and regulations will exceed this standard whenever they are of benefit to either employees or operational efficiency.

The Managing Director carries overall responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of this Policy.

Health and Safety Policy

It is the Policy of Pinefield Glass Limited to ensure that proper care is taken to protect the health and safety of all its employees and the environment. The Company will manage its activities in a manner that will avoid causing unnecessary risks to the health and safety of any person who will be affected by its operations.

The application of this Policy will be a prime consideration in the management of Pinefield Glass Limited’s activities. Health, safety and environmental matters will be given equal importance and priority as production throughout its operations. The efforts of all employees will be valued as essential to the success of the business.

a) During the design, manufacture and transport of all its products and services, all activities will be managed as to avoid unnecessary risk to employees and any other person who may be affected by its activities.

b) All reasonable, practicable steps will be taken to provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that will be safe and free from risk to health, safety or the environment.

c) The Company will take all reasonable steps to eliminate any possible hazards to prevent incidents, involving personnel, plant or equipment and, where they do occur, implement procedures to prevent their reoccurrence. To facilitate this, an efficient system of incident and accident reporting and investigation will be implemented.

d) The Company will carry out adequate Risk Assessments to identify and eliminate hazards and, where appropriate, control the risk. Monitoring procedures will be implemented to limit the exposure and control the use of substances hazardous to health. Facilities will be made available to carry out and monitor health surveillance, as necessary.

e) The Company will conform to all statutory legal requirements, Approved Codes of Practice and Regulations and shall take adequate additional measures considered necessary to provide and maintain sufficient requirements for health and safety care.

f) Sufficient training in health and safety matters will be provided to all employees as an integral part of the overall Safety Policy within the Company.

It is the duty of every employee within the Company to exercise a personal responsibility with regard to health and safety. Employees are expected to take every reasonable precaution to prevent harm to themselves and others. In addition, employees will be expected to co-operate fully with Company on matters concerning health and safety issues. Disciplinary action will be taken where employees take risks with their own health and safety and the health and safety of others.

The Company will encourage consultation on health, safety and environmental matters through the appropriate channels, including safety meetings.

Pinefield Glass Limited has an obligation to bring to the attention of each employee their duty to take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of all other persons and the environment. Each employee shall ensue they have access to and fully comprehend the Company’s Health and Safety Policies, Organisation and Procedures to ensure that they can actively contribute to their implementation.

Also See

A statement from our Health and Safety Policy ( PDF), with the full policy available on request.

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Pinefield Industrial Estate
Elgin IV30 6AG

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